57° Congresso ERA-EDTA MILANO



Dear Valued Partner,

I hope this email finds you well.

We would like to inform you that this year the 57th ERA-EDTA Congress will be 100% virtual and will continue as planned on the originally scheduled dates of June 6-9, 2020 : https://www.era-edta.org/en/virtualcongress2020/

The 2020 Virtual Congress will include:

An interactive virtual exhibition     Link     for your professional NETWORKING

A great scientific program       Link    providing excellent SCIENCE and EDUCATION


The 2020 Virtual Congress will provide the access to the virtual scientific sessions and e-posters in live streaming (when applicable) on June 6-9, 2020 + 4 weeks of exclusive access to the e-materials.

Please visit https://www.era-edta.org/en/virtualcongress2020/registrations/ for more detailed information.

Should you need any assistance, please contact the ERA-EDTA Registrations Team at registrations@era-edta.org

We are looking forward to meeting you at our 2020 Virtual Congress!